Wow, is it difficult to get back into blogging after taking a break. I am not suffering from lack of anything to say, just short on time. My job has been taking up more time and I've been making up for my busy schedule earlier in the year by spending more time with my dogs.
Oh and then there was this nice surprise on Monday.

The wind is horrendous most days here, at times hitting hurricane force, which is something you just get used to living here. Monday was another very windy day and this tree in our backyard had enough. Under and behind the branches and leaves is our garage. This large branch (really, a third of the massive tree) crashed onto one corner and ended up taking up half of this fenced in area. Unfortunately, we do have to take the rest of the tree down because the remaining two large sections are weakened by the loss of this one.
One thing I have been doing is editing down my list of projects I am working on and want to do. So here is my WIP list now.
Completed:Needlebook project from Handstitched Class - I did this entirely by hand and love the way it turned out.

Progress Made:Camp Loopy Project 1 - this scarf is frustrating. I have frogged it and started over three times and am hopefully not going to have to do it again. The third time was because I decided to use larger needles, so I only have myself to blame for that. This photo of it is before I frogged it the last time and because it is on larger needles it does look different. This gives you an idea of the scarf though.

Cachou Cowl - I did knit a couple rounds on this one.
No Progress:Garden Tote
Garter Stitch Scarf
Hand Pieced QAL
Sewing Machine Cover
Quilt Challenge of the Month: February (Cathedral Windows)/Cathedral Windows Apron - I will be making this one up. The fabric is pulled and waiting.
(Late) Wedding Present
Nesting Place Needlebook
Dessert of the Month: Jan-June
Drunkard's Path QAL
Zig Zag QAL
Kaleidoscope QAL
Embroidered Ornaments
Zakka Style Projects
Curves Class projects
Removed:2012 Color Challenge - I love the idea of this but since I have yet to participate, aside from starting one month's palette project, I will be sitting out completely the rest of the year. Maybe if they continue this next year.
Typography Challenge - I missed this challenge but still plan on making the mini I was going to sew up. I will just not be putting it under this header and it will not appear until I do start it.
Project Quilting Challenges - the ones I missed will be dropping off as well. I do have a mostly completed mini top that I will finish, but again, this will just become a mini I made. I am patiently waiting for the next season to start though.
Tangerine Tango Challenge - ditto on the challenge being missed but a started mini top will be finished. Just not as this label.
1912 Project - I do have the materials for the first (and only) pattern I received. I will sew it up still but I just don't have the time for this like I thought.
New:Hand Quilting Challenge - I am hosting this month. My top isn't quite done and ready to quilt but will be for Friday's update.
Ranrike Shawl - I couldn't resist casting on for this one. I now have four knit projects going (oops). This one is going to stretch my skills though, which is a good thing.

Dogwood Blossom Medallion Quilt - for Handstitched Class. I have my fabrics picked out.
Reverse Applique Shirt - one of my favorite t-shirts got a hole in it and will be utilized for this project from class.
2-in-1 Sewing Challenge - I already know what I'm making so this came along at the right time. More on this later but if you want to sign up too, head on over to Rikka's blog. The deadline for entries is July 31st!
Modernista Swap on Flickr - I have my partner and have been forming my ideas for what I will make for her.
Ok, so I'm trying to get back to posting regularly here. I should be back tomorrow for Thursday Think Tank, on Friday I am planning on sharing my RATZ Swap items and also do a mid-month update on the hand quilting challenge, and this weekend, I will share the pieces from my drawing class that I haven't shared yet. The last two posts do depend on the rain we are supposed to get the rest of the week to not come, so fingers crossed.