I'm just dropping in to say that I'm taking a break while I slave away at my final pieces for my studio classes. I wrote up a list of everything that still needs to be done with them in the next week and it is scary! I am even taking a night off of work to get all of this done.
So, I'm focing myself to limit my computer time and stop working on my personal projects. I do have things to share, but they can all wait. I may be still letting myself read your posts and of course, catch up on answering emails (sorry!).
I'm thinking that I will return on May 1st at the earliest, depending on how much work I get done. I'll leave you with a little peek at the stitching I did on my partner's pouch for the Pretty Little Pouch Swap.
See you in a week!
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Swap Items Received
The past couple days have brought much cheer as far as mail goes. I got my packages from my partners in the Mini QT Swap and also the Pretty Little Pouch Swap.
Our theme for the Mini QT Swap was movies. Both my partner and I were delayed in sending, so she has not received mine quite yet. Monday hopefully. I was patient and glad for it. Here's what Ellen sent me. The mini and a slew of goodies.
I just love the Chicken Little story and her take on the popcorn falling on his head!
Because of the delay in mailing, I wasn't able to participate in the next round, which is probably a good thing since I have so much going on with school. I did have fun creating mine, which will be revealed once she gets it (I promise!), and will join in on this swap again, theme depending. I do like that partners are not secret here so you can create something really tailored to them. I've been running into quiet partners in the secret swaps that also have broad mosaics. It is fun with it being a secret too though.
Yesterday brought my package for the PLPS. Once I saw the name on the return address I knew who it was from. Lisa and I read each others blogs and it was exciting for me to see what was inside. I had commented on her fabric pull and was happy to see that she used it!
She also made a notebook cover and a little sheep ornament. The sheep is already hanging up on the wall.
There are so many details that I love about this pouch. This isn't a shape I would have made for myself, but I can already see so many uses for it. I love the handle and that it is personalized.
The fabric may be a bit traditional for some but my tastes tend to gravitate there. French General comes up with some of my favorites lines so this was perfect for me! That's what matters in the end, after all.
Thank you again to both ladies! Lisa also nominated me for the Liebster Award, so thank you for that as well! This is the second time and so I will direct you here to see the blogs I nominated in return.
As far as swaps go, I may be limited myself for now. I haven't had horrible experiences, thankfully, with partners so it isn't that. I'm just finding that I have had to squeeze in time where there isn't much for them and since I don't like to half ass anything, especially for others, I haven't been meeting the deadlines so well lately. Swaps may just have to be for when school isn't in session.
I hope you all had a fabulous weekend!
Our theme for the Mini QT Swap was movies. Both my partner and I were delayed in sending, so she has not received mine quite yet. Monday hopefully. I was patient and glad for it. Here's what Ellen sent me. The mini and a slew of goodies.
I just love the Chicken Little story and her take on the popcorn falling on his head!
Because of the delay in mailing, I wasn't able to participate in the next round, which is probably a good thing since I have so much going on with school. I did have fun creating mine, which will be revealed once she gets it (I promise!), and will join in on this swap again, theme depending. I do like that partners are not secret here so you can create something really tailored to them. I've been running into quiet partners in the secret swaps that also have broad mosaics. It is fun with it being a secret too though.
Yesterday brought my package for the PLPS. Once I saw the name on the return address I knew who it was from. Lisa and I read each others blogs and it was exciting for me to see what was inside. I had commented on her fabric pull and was happy to see that she used it!
She also made a notebook cover and a little sheep ornament. The sheep is already hanging up on the wall.
There are so many details that I love about this pouch. This isn't a shape I would have made for myself, but I can already see so many uses for it. I love the handle and that it is personalized.
The fabric may be a bit traditional for some but my tastes tend to gravitate there. French General comes up with some of my favorites lines so this was perfect for me! That's what matters in the end, after all.
Thank you again to both ladies! Lisa also nominated me for the Liebster Award, so thank you for that as well! This is the second time and so I will direct you here to see the blogs I nominated in return.
As far as swaps go, I may be limited myself for now. I haven't had horrible experiences, thankfully, with partners so it isn't that. I'm just finding that I have had to squeeze in time where there isn't much for them and since I don't like to half ass anything, especially for others, I haven't been meeting the deadlines so well lately. Swaps may just have to be for when school isn't in session.
I hope you all had a fabulous weekend!
Studio Saturday
I don't have much to update this week. I worked long hours both Thursday and Friday nights, so that ate up my free time on Friday and for today. All I managed really was to run errands and visit one of the art museums so I can write a couple papers for next week.
I did start one of my two projects for painting. It is going to be a large (about 5' x 4') painting. I only got the gesso on the paper as I forgot the actual paint at home, but I think that's a good thing. I popped in to the studio today to check on it and the paper has not flattened out. For my second project, I still need to prewash my fabrics before I start painting. I also want to pick up a plastic tablecloth to work on, so I'm hoping to get on that tomorrow.
No updates on sculpture. Unfortunately.
And in photography, I'm still deciding what I'm going to do with the images I've printed.
I have these three on muslin. I was going to use all three in one piece but stitching them down to a large piece of canvas, but my instructor wasn't fond of that direction. She told me I could still do it, but she didn't think all three were needed to "tell the story". I have an idea, which I really need to get to soon in case it doesn't turn out the way I see it in my head.
And this one on a plastic sheet. I was thinking about adhering this to a saw blade, but looking at this, I really like the wood coming through. I may have to pay a visit to the secondhand building materials/salvage place...
I really need to get busy on these projects. Final critiques for painting and sculpture are in a little over a week, with photography coming the following week. For now, though, it is time to get to bed to try to reset my sleep schedule.
I did start one of my two projects for painting. It is going to be a large (about 5' x 4') painting. I only got the gesso on the paper as I forgot the actual paint at home, but I think that's a good thing. I popped in to the studio today to check on it and the paper has not flattened out. For my second project, I still need to prewash my fabrics before I start painting. I also want to pick up a plastic tablecloth to work on, so I'm hoping to get on that tomorrow.
No updates on sculpture. Unfortunately.
And in photography, I'm still deciding what I'm going to do with the images I've printed.
I have these three on muslin. I was going to use all three in one piece but stitching them down to a large piece of canvas, but my instructor wasn't fond of that direction. She told me I could still do it, but she didn't think all three were needed to "tell the story". I have an idea, which I really need to get to soon in case it doesn't turn out the way I see it in my head.
And this one on a plastic sheet. I was thinking about adhering this to a saw blade, but looking at this, I really like the wood coming through. I may have to pay a visit to the secondhand building materials/salvage place...
I really need to get busy on these projects. Final critiques for painting and sculpture are in a little over a week, with photography coming the following week. For now, though, it is time to get to bed to try to reset my sleep schedule.
Friday, April 20, 2012
Sparkle Top: Finished!
Yes, this does deserve its own post, just for the fact of how long it has taken me. Not bragging, but instead kicking myself for it. The big reason I haven't finished this top is because I hate using a seam ripper. It's not that it takes so long, because in all reality, once I ripped out the stitches and sewed this together, it maybe took me an hour. I'm guessing because usually when I'm sewing, my dogs are bugging me to be let out or to play.
I love the way it looks but Chad isn't fond of it. He thinks the design is too urban for the fabrics. But until I make up a different table topper with these fabrics, this one will be gracing our table. I'm hoping to get the quilting done this weekend and would love to finish the binding too.
Linking up to Crazy Mom Quilts for Finish It Up Friday!
I love the way it looks but Chad isn't fond of it. He thinks the design is too urban for the fabrics. But until I make up a different table topper with these fabrics, this one will be gracing our table. I'm hoping to get the quilting done this weekend and would love to finish the binding too.
Linking up to Crazy Mom Quilts for Finish It Up Friday!
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Zakka Style Pin Cushion
I have a few things to blog about, but am going to break them up into seperate posts. Sometimes I think I type too much.
This pin cushion for the Zakka Style Sew-a-long was an easy finish. I knew it would be and didn't even look at the directions in the book. I started with the London scrap that I received in the Mouthy Stitches swap. Big Ben was the perfect size to feature on this and I also knew I had linen tape with a London (and Paris) travel theme. The button was picked because it resembles a sun and when I was putting this together, it made sense to add. There isn't a button on the back. Instead of stamping linen tape, which was my first idea, I decided to use the guard that was cut from the scrap when trimming it to size.
I say this about every place I have traveled to, but I do really love London. I got to spend a week exploring the city and dream of being able to return. This pin cushion is going to be a great reminder of my time there, as since the scrap came from Great Britain, it's a fitting project.
See you tomorrow!
This pin cushion for the Zakka Style Sew-a-long was an easy finish. I knew it would be and didn't even look at the directions in the book. I started with the London scrap that I received in the Mouthy Stitches swap. Big Ben was the perfect size to feature on this and I also knew I had linen tape with a London (and Paris) travel theme. The button was picked because it resembles a sun and when I was putting this together, it made sense to add. There isn't a button on the back. Instead of stamping linen tape, which was my first idea, I decided to use the guard that was cut from the scrap when trimming it to size.
I say this about every place I have traveled to, but I do really love London. I got to spend a week exploring the city and dream of being able to return. This pin cushion is going to be a great reminder of my time there, as since the scrap came from Great Britain, it's a fitting project.
See you tomorrow!
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
WIP Wednesday
Another Wednesday is upon us. I feel pretty good on the progress I have made on projects, though I really didn't touch anything on my list. Maybe I need to start calling it the "Ignore List"?
Regardless of what I'm calling it this week, I'm going to link up at Freshly Pieced.
Tohoku Tote - more details here.
Zakka Style House Pouch - more here.
Well, I also finished putting together my sewing room. I still have to tackle my storage space in our basement, but that will happen over the weekend.
Progress Made:
2012 Color Challenge: April - I've made progress, though I still haven't touched it since last Friday. I have these pretty, curvy rows to sew together somehow.
Hand Pieced QAL - I cut out the pieces for the second block, the Jacob's Ladder, but haven't sewn them together yet.
No Progress:
Sewing Machine Cover
Typography Challenge
Garter Stitch Scarf
Project Quilting Challenge: It's Where I Live
Tangerine Tango Challenge
Sparkle QAL - I have plans to finish the top up today.
1912 Project: February Pattern
Quilt Challenge of the Month: February (Cathedral Windows)
Quilt Challenge of the Month: March (Leaders and Enders) - this one is coming off the list. I don't chain piece so making something in this spirit wouldn't work out for me. I was going to make a scrappy project but I'm not feeling it right now.
Quilt Challenge of the Month: April (UFOs) - my goal is to finish my Sparkle mini.
(Late) Wedding Present
Nesting Place class
Dessert of the Month Club: January
Dessert of the Month Club: February
Dessert of the Month Club: March
Dessert of the Month Club: April
Drunkard's Path QAL
Zig Zag QAL
Kaleidoscope QAL
2012 Color Challenge: January
2012 Color Challenge: February
2012 Color Challenge: March
Curves Class projects
Made in Cherry QAL
Embroidery Journal Project: January
Embroidery Journal Project: February
Embroidery Journal Project: March
Embroidery Journal Project: April
Embroidered Ornaments
Project Quilting Challenge: Music
Project Quilting Challenge: Tools
Project Quilting Challenge: Barn Quilts
Pretty Little Pouch Swap - mailing date is by Friday, so this one will be finished by then as well.
Zakka Style Pin Cushion - since I seem to like small projects right now and also have found the need for another pin cushion to put in my travel sewing bag, I will be making this up. It will be a quick finish.
The Blogger's Quilt Festival starts in May, so I'm toying with the goal of having my Drunkard's Path quilt done by then. One month to finishing trimming (yuck!), piecing, quilting, and binding? Should be doable. Guess I need to push myself to have it on my "Progress Made" list each week, eh?
Hope your Wednesday is treating you well!
Regardless of what I'm calling it this week, I'm going to link up at Freshly Pieced.
Tohoku Tote - more details here.
Zakka Style House Pouch - more here.
Well, I also finished putting together my sewing room. I still have to tackle my storage space in our basement, but that will happen over the weekend.
Progress Made:
2012 Color Challenge: April - I've made progress, though I still haven't touched it since last Friday. I have these pretty, curvy rows to sew together somehow.
Hand Pieced QAL - I cut out the pieces for the second block, the Jacob's Ladder, but haven't sewn them together yet.
No Progress:
Sewing Machine Cover
Typography Challenge
Garter Stitch Scarf
Project Quilting Challenge: It's Where I Live
Tangerine Tango Challenge
Sparkle QAL - I have plans to finish the top up today.
1912 Project: February Pattern
Quilt Challenge of the Month: February (Cathedral Windows)
Quilt Challenge of the Month: March (Leaders and Enders) - this one is coming off the list. I don't chain piece so making something in this spirit wouldn't work out for me. I was going to make a scrappy project but I'm not feeling it right now.
Quilt Challenge of the Month: April (UFOs) - my goal is to finish my Sparkle mini.
(Late) Wedding Present
Nesting Place class
Dessert of the Month Club: January
Dessert of the Month Club: February
Dessert of the Month Club: March
Dessert of the Month Club: April
Drunkard's Path QAL
Zig Zag QAL
Kaleidoscope QAL
2012 Color Challenge: January
2012 Color Challenge: February
2012 Color Challenge: March
Curves Class projects
Made in Cherry QAL
Embroidery Journal Project: January
Embroidery Journal Project: February
Embroidery Journal Project: March
Embroidery Journal Project: April
Embroidered Ornaments
Project Quilting Challenge: Music
Project Quilting Challenge: Tools
Project Quilting Challenge: Barn Quilts
Pretty Little Pouch Swap - mailing date is by Friday, so this one will be finished by then as well.
Zakka Style Pin Cushion - since I seem to like small projects right now and also have found the need for another pin cushion to put in my travel sewing bag, I will be making this up. It will be a quick finish.
The Blogger's Quilt Festival starts in May, so I'm toying with the goal of having my Drunkard's Path quilt done by then. One month to finishing trimming (yuck!), piecing, quilting, and binding? Should be doable. Guess I need to push myself to have it on my "Progress Made" list each week, eh?
Hope your Wednesday is treating you well!
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Festival of HSTs: Chase Patterns
I decided to submit my art quilt, Chase Patterns, to the Festival of Half Square Triangles. For those of you who read my blog, you may remember this from when I posted it in March. If you are new here, first of all, welcome!, and please click on the link to read detailed information on my process and inspiration.
I made this quilt as part of the Project Quilting challenges at Kim's Crafty Apple. The challenge was to think of a new take on the classic zig zag pattern.
My inspiration came from two things: first the manner an animal of prey moves to get away from their predator, and also how my two dogs chase each other while they play. The patterns of chase turn into an erratic zig zag.
I played around with the formation of this quilt to create various zig zags throughout. The fabrics used are all Oakshotts on the front, and it is backed and bound in a gray Kona. For quilting, I simply made straight lines across in order to not detract from the colorful patterns created.
Thank you for taking the time to check out my work! Feel free to leave a critique of this piece (both good and constructive) as I am aiming to create art with my quilting and sewing. I would love to hear all opinions on it.
I made this quilt as part of the Project Quilting challenges at Kim's Crafty Apple. The challenge was to think of a new take on the classic zig zag pattern.
My inspiration came from two things: first the manner an animal of prey moves to get away from their predator, and also how my two dogs chase each other while they play. The patterns of chase turn into an erratic zig zag.
I played around with the formation of this quilt to create various zig zags throughout. The fabrics used are all Oakshotts on the front, and it is backed and bound in a gray Kona. For quilting, I simply made straight lines across in order to not detract from the colorful patterns created.
Thank you for taking the time to check out my work! Feel free to leave a critique of this piece (both good and constructive) as I am aiming to create art with my quilting and sewing. I would love to hear all opinions on it.
Monday, April 16, 2012
A New Purse and a Photo Adventure
I spent more time on Sunday sewing. Again, nothing on my to do list for April, but at least it is something that I've had fabric for since, oh, Black Friday. (Last year though, so not like it's been sitting around that long.)
I remember it was Black Friday when I bought the fabrics because I was wandering around, waiting for my number to be called at the cutting table. I don't usually walk through the home dec section because I don't have any projects needing that weight of fabric. But then I spotted the chickens on mustard yellow print. I knew exactly what I wanted to make with it once I saw it.
Awhile back, Cheri at I Am Momma, Hear Me Roar shared a pattern and tutorial for a purse she calls the Tohoku Tote. I fell for the style of it and filed it away in my head to make in the future.
I paired it with a mustard and a red linen. I added a large pocket panel for those things that always seem to get lost in my purse. I wanted to also put in a key clip, but didn't have any at home and was not driving to Joann's to get some. Since I was on a roll getting some things done, I wasn't about to put this project off for another six months.
As far as my thoughts on this project, I don't think I would make another one, at least without tweaking most of it. I decided to follow her directions for the most part, and there are steps that I would have done differently. I also needed to switch out for my zipper foot to top stitch the bag around the top because of the snap. Not a biggie, but that wasn't mentioned in the tutorial. The straps are a little wide as well. I know I could have changed this before sewing them in, but I thought I would give them a shot and see how I feel about them after using this purse for awhile.
I do love the purse and how roomy it is. The pattern is free, so it was worth sewing up.
Today, I spent some time shooting photos for my photography project. One of the pieces I have to create is going to be about my love of nature, so off to Buffalo River State Park I went.
The lighting wasn't what I wanted. It was a tad too sunny to shoot everything I had in mind, but what I did get will work. The wind was an issue and half of the photos I took with my self timer had my hair flying like crazy.
I noticed when looking at the dried prairie grass that it is pretty close in color to my hair. Here's a photo for proof. Mine is a little darker, but after the summer, it will be dead on to the color of the grass.
I also took some photos of myself at another favorite spot, also along the Buffalo River. It's a part of the train tracks that is just peaceful to me. No photos to share from that as the wind was not my friend there.
I may take more in this theme for this project, and definately will take more just for fun.
Now, off to walk my dogs before work. Have a great day!
I remember it was Black Friday when I bought the fabrics because I was wandering around, waiting for my number to be called at the cutting table. I don't usually walk through the home dec section because I don't have any projects needing that weight of fabric. But then I spotted the chickens on mustard yellow print. I knew exactly what I wanted to make with it once I saw it.
Awhile back, Cheri at I Am Momma, Hear Me Roar shared a pattern and tutorial for a purse she calls the Tohoku Tote. I fell for the style of it and filed it away in my head to make in the future.
I paired it with a mustard and a red linen. I added a large pocket panel for those things that always seem to get lost in my purse. I wanted to also put in a key clip, but didn't have any at home and was not driving to Joann's to get some. Since I was on a roll getting some things done, I wasn't about to put this project off for another six months.
As far as my thoughts on this project, I don't think I would make another one, at least without tweaking most of it. I decided to follow her directions for the most part, and there are steps that I would have done differently. I also needed to switch out for my zipper foot to top stitch the bag around the top because of the snap. Not a biggie, but that wasn't mentioned in the tutorial. The straps are a little wide as well. I know I could have changed this before sewing them in, but I thought I would give them a shot and see how I feel about them after using this purse for awhile.
I do love the purse and how roomy it is. The pattern is free, so it was worth sewing up.
Today, I spent some time shooting photos for my photography project. One of the pieces I have to create is going to be about my love of nature, so off to Buffalo River State Park I went.
The lighting wasn't what I wanted. It was a tad too sunny to shoot everything I had in mind, but what I did get will work. The wind was an issue and half of the photos I took with my self timer had my hair flying like crazy.
I noticed when looking at the dried prairie grass that it is pretty close in color to my hair. Here's a photo for proof. Mine is a little darker, but after the summer, it will be dead on to the color of the grass.
I also took some photos of myself at another favorite spot, also along the Buffalo River. It's a part of the train tracks that is just peaceful to me. No photos to share from that as the wind was not my friend there.
I may take more in this theme for this project, and definately will take more just for fun.
Now, off to walk my dogs before work. Have a great day!
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Zakka Style House Pouch
I hadn't intended to sew this yesterday but I was looking for something that I could start and finish within a couple of hours max. I also wasn't looking to do the sew-a-long that is happening with the book, but hey, now I've made one thing. I happen to own the book already, and may sew up some other things as the sew-a-long goes, but it wasn't in my plans right now.
I made changes to the pouch from the book. I do love linen, but wasn't feeling it for this house. I also wasn't much into the buttons and the trim. My printer/copier doesn't enlarge either, so I guessed on the roof angle. It all worked out in the end and I love it.
Even if the wrinkles on the back won't come out.
One thing I have to say about the instructions is that I'm glad that I've sewn a few pouches before, otherwise I would have been confused a bit on construction. In fact, I really didn't follow the instructions after reading through them before starting.
The lining is the same coffee bean print that the door is made from. Yes, I do have a woodgrain print that I thought about using, but it is already earmarked for binding on my Drunkard's Path quilt. I am not letting myself use any bit of it until after the binding is finished, or until it comes back into stock and I can order more.
Now that a quick project is out of the way, and it is raining all day today, I need to get to work on my WIP list and some schoolwork.
I made changes to the pouch from the book. I do love linen, but wasn't feeling it for this house. I also wasn't much into the buttons and the trim. My printer/copier doesn't enlarge either, so I guessed on the roof angle. It all worked out in the end and I love it.
Even if the wrinkles on the back won't come out.
One thing I have to say about the instructions is that I'm glad that I've sewn a few pouches before, otherwise I would have been confused a bit on construction. In fact, I really didn't follow the instructions after reading through them before starting.
The lining is the same coffee bean print that the door is made from. Yes, I do have a woodgrain print that I thought about using, but it is already earmarked for binding on my Drunkard's Path quilt. I am not letting myself use any bit of it until after the binding is finished, or until it comes back into stock and I can order more.
Now that a quick project is out of the way, and it is raining all day today, I need to get to work on my WIP list and some schoolwork.
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Studio Saturday and a Tour of My Sewing Space
I don't have many photos to share about my studio projects this week, so I thought I would show you around my sewing room as well. I still don't have everything up on the walls that I want to hang because I am undecided on what will go where. Also, this is how it looks every day once I have tidied up from each sewing session. I didn't make it spick and span because that wouldn't be real. So yes, there are piles of things lying around and stuff crammed in places. Basically, if you were to pop over unannounced to my home, this is how you would find the room.
My sewing room is just off of our living room. Our house is small; just a bedroom, kitchen, living room, my sewing room and a half bath upstairs. Our full bath is in our basement, which is not finished aside from the bathroom. And actually, Chad said when he bought the house (which a family of three lived in!), my sewing room was a second bedroom. He blocked off the closet in it in order to expand the closet space in our bedroom.
It is very bright in these photos because the sun was out in full force (thus changing my plans for the day again) and I have the advantage of two windows.
This is the doorway into my space. We have horseshoes over most of our doorways. And (real) wood paneling, which I know most people hate, but I love. The +B you see here burned into the wall is the brand that Chad now owns and was his family's brand when he was growing up.
And the entire room from the doorway. As you can see, the space itself is pretty tiny, but I love that I have my own room to work in. There isn't a door either, so I don't feel like the walls are closing in on me. The ceiling is pretty low. I'm 5'10" and the ceiling barely clears my head. Perils of living in an old house, I guess.
My stash, aside from the the apparel yardage that is waiting to be washed. I also have my fabrics that I will be dyeing over the summer in the basement so I don't mix them up with everything else. Scraps are downstairs too, in a dresser that used to house most of these fabrics. Until I put everything on the shelves, I thought I didn't have much fabric. Now I think I don't need to buy any for a long time. On the floor in the basket next to my ironing board are all of my apparel patterns. There are not organized at all and I probably should destash some of them.
This is my sewing table, which Chad built for me. It's taller than a table you would find in a store so that my long legs can fit comfortably under it. I covered it in vinyl to give it a nicer surface. And under the table is the basket of future projects. Most of them I haven't blogged about and are sorted into plastic bags by project. So yes, more fabric is shoved in there, but I believe once the projects are completed, I won't have much scrap from there.
I need to organize the shelves in this corner again, but that isn't a priority.
And finally, my fabulous sewing machine. She isn't a stunner in terms of features, but I love her and could not ask for a better machine for me. I bought her used from a sew and vac store and didn't want all the computerized features that are on newer machines.
So that's my sewing space. Of course I would love to have more room to work in, but this is great considering our living space. In our next house, we have already discussed how we both need more room to work. Chad is outgrowing the garage and really could use a seperate shop. We want to move to the country so we will have to wait until then to have the space we want.
Now onto my school update. In all three of my studios, we are working on final projects, which are pretty involved.
In sculpture, we are building a dwelling from wood and another material. I need to make a small model of it still, but my inspiration is coming from this seed pod.
I wanted to think of dwelling beyond a house and instead as a place that houses life. What better than a seed pod that houses so much life. Plus, I love the space of this one so much. Can I pull it off? That is yet to be determined. My other material will be fabric.
In photography we are to make five pieces that speak about who we are right now in our lives. I am still not sure what I'm going to do, though I did sketch out some good and bad ideas. I need to revisit those tomorrow and flesh them out.
In painting, we have two final projects. The first is one that we are to come up with ourselves. We all had to submit a proposal, which he gave feedback on. My project is going to be at least five pieces. I'm going to paint various fabrics and then turn them into various items. I have it in mind to make a top, a couple purses, and an art quilt. I have to go pick up fabrics and textile paint before I can start this.
The second project is a collaboration with the ideas/styles of an assigned artist. My artist is Sue Williams, who is a painter that made it big in the early 1980's with her in-your-face style of art. She was physically and sexually abused throughout her life, even being shot by a boyfriend, before she sought therapy to change these patterns. I am not a fan of most of her work as it's very graphic. I would share an example, but it isn't appropriate for all eyes. If you are curious, here is a link to one of the galleries that represents her work.
My painting for this project will be dealing with the abuse that I have endured over my life. This is starting to be a theme for this semester, mostly unintentionally. I'm a little nervous about critique for this one, as what I have planned is pretty bold for me.
I have a lot of work to do and only a few weeks to get it done. But at least I'm sneaking in some sewing to these projects, so that will make up for not being able to work on other projects as much.
That's all for this week. I finished a little something earlier today, and depending on the weather tomorrow, I will show you what it is. We are due to get some of the rain that has been sweeping the middle of the country.
Hope your weekend is going well!
My sewing room is just off of our living room. Our house is small; just a bedroom, kitchen, living room, my sewing room and a half bath upstairs. Our full bath is in our basement, which is not finished aside from the bathroom. And actually, Chad said when he bought the house (which a family of three lived in!), my sewing room was a second bedroom. He blocked off the closet in it in order to expand the closet space in our bedroom.
It is very bright in these photos because the sun was out in full force (thus changing my plans for the day again) and I have the advantage of two windows.
This is the doorway into my space. We have horseshoes over most of our doorways. And (real) wood paneling, which I know most people hate, but I love. The +B you see here burned into the wall is the brand that Chad now owns and was his family's brand when he was growing up.
And the entire room from the doorway. As you can see, the space itself is pretty tiny, but I love that I have my own room to work in. There isn't a door either, so I don't feel like the walls are closing in on me. The ceiling is pretty low. I'm 5'10" and the ceiling barely clears my head. Perils of living in an old house, I guess.
My stash, aside from the the apparel yardage that is waiting to be washed. I also have my fabrics that I will be dyeing over the summer in the basement so I don't mix them up with everything else. Scraps are downstairs too, in a dresser that used to house most of these fabrics. Until I put everything on the shelves, I thought I didn't have much fabric. Now I think I don't need to buy any for a long time. On the floor in the basket next to my ironing board are all of my apparel patterns. There are not organized at all and I probably should destash some of them.
This is my sewing table, which Chad built for me. It's taller than a table you would find in a store so that my long legs can fit comfortably under it. I covered it in vinyl to give it a nicer surface. And under the table is the basket of future projects. Most of them I haven't blogged about and are sorted into plastic bags by project. So yes, more fabric is shoved in there, but I believe once the projects are completed, I won't have much scrap from there.
I need to organize the shelves in this corner again, but that isn't a priority.
And finally, my fabulous sewing machine. She isn't a stunner in terms of features, but I love her and could not ask for a better machine for me. I bought her used from a sew and vac store and didn't want all the computerized features that are on newer machines.
So that's my sewing space. Of course I would love to have more room to work in, but this is great considering our living space. In our next house, we have already discussed how we both need more room to work. Chad is outgrowing the garage and really could use a seperate shop. We want to move to the country so we will have to wait until then to have the space we want.
Now onto my school update. In all three of my studios, we are working on final projects, which are pretty involved.
In sculpture, we are building a dwelling from wood and another material. I need to make a small model of it still, but my inspiration is coming from this seed pod.
I wanted to think of dwelling beyond a house and instead as a place that houses life. What better than a seed pod that houses so much life. Plus, I love the space of this one so much. Can I pull it off? That is yet to be determined. My other material will be fabric.
In photography we are to make five pieces that speak about who we are right now in our lives. I am still not sure what I'm going to do, though I did sketch out some good and bad ideas. I need to revisit those tomorrow and flesh them out.
In painting, we have two final projects. The first is one that we are to come up with ourselves. We all had to submit a proposal, which he gave feedback on. My project is going to be at least five pieces. I'm going to paint various fabrics and then turn them into various items. I have it in mind to make a top, a couple purses, and an art quilt. I have to go pick up fabrics and textile paint before I can start this.
The second project is a collaboration with the ideas/styles of an assigned artist. My artist is Sue Williams, who is a painter that made it big in the early 1980's with her in-your-face style of art. She was physically and sexually abused throughout her life, even being shot by a boyfriend, before she sought therapy to change these patterns. I am not a fan of most of her work as it's very graphic. I would share an example, but it isn't appropriate for all eyes. If you are curious, here is a link to one of the galleries that represents her work.
My painting for this project will be dealing with the abuse that I have endured over my life. This is starting to be a theme for this semester, mostly unintentionally. I'm a little nervous about critique for this one, as what I have planned is pretty bold for me.
I have a lot of work to do and only a few weeks to get it done. But at least I'm sneaking in some sewing to these projects, so that will make up for not being able to work on other projects as much.
That's all for this week. I finished a little something earlier today, and depending on the weather tomorrow, I will show you what it is. We are due to get some of the rain that has been sweeping the middle of the country.
Hope your weekend is going well!
Friday, April 13, 2012
Where Improv Meets Planning
Remember the fabrics I shared on Wednesday?
Well I dived in and started slicing and sewing them up over the past couple days. This quilt is for the color challenge over at Patchwork Times. Even though I haven't made up anything for the previous palettes, I do have plans for them. This month I wanted to play around with improv and not overthinking the design.
Here is where I am as of this afternoon. And please excuse the horrible indoor photo. It's been raining all day. The rain is actually why I am able to work on this today. I need to take some photographs outside for a project for school and overcast will be perfect, but not rain. Tomorrow hopefully.

Up until this point, I was just sewing pieces together into strips. I knew there would be curves because of the angles of the pieces, but not really the more dramatic curves I got here. If I trim them down into straight edges, which was my initial idea before starting, I will lose a lot.
Enter the planning phase of this piece. I am letting it sit until later because I am not sure if I should join them all together, or add another fabric (keeping with the palette inspiration) in between each row. I will be slicing and dicing it up some more, so it won't stay like this. Though I may regret that after I'm done, I want to see how far I can push the process. Sometimes we have to enter an ugly stage to get to a better piece.
Any input?
Well I dived in and started slicing and sewing them up over the past couple days. This quilt is for the color challenge over at Patchwork Times. Even though I haven't made up anything for the previous palettes, I do have plans for them. This month I wanted to play around with improv and not overthinking the design.
Here is where I am as of this afternoon. And please excuse the horrible indoor photo. It's been raining all day. The rain is actually why I am able to work on this today. I need to take some photographs outside for a project for school and overcast will be perfect, but not rain. Tomorrow hopefully.
Up until this point, I was just sewing pieces together into strips. I knew there would be curves because of the angles of the pieces, but not really the more dramatic curves I got here. If I trim them down into straight edges, which was my initial idea before starting, I will lose a lot.
Enter the planning phase of this piece. I am letting it sit until later because I am not sure if I should join them all together, or add another fabric (keeping with the palette inspiration) in between each row. I will be slicing and dicing it up some more, so it won't stay like this. Though I may regret that after I'm done, I want to see how far I can push the process. Sometimes we have to enter an ugly stage to get to a better piece.
Any input?
Thursday, April 12, 2012
TTT: Mind Jumble
Sometimes, it's best if I just get out all the thoughts in my head. Now, I won't be sharing everything with you because I doubt you would want to read it all. I just need to focus a little and these topics may be relevant to others.
Habits: both good and bad. I'm sure I'm not alone in thinking about changing habits. I have made progress over the years to shed some of them that I developed growing up. When you are raised by a parent with bi-polar disorder, despite not suffering the same ills, you do still alter behaviors to suit them. It sucks but all can be overcome with time and persistance. Not that I'm blaming all of my habits on my upbringing, mind you.
One way I used to "deal" with my childhood was by drinking, and at times, using various drugs to basically forget it all. I would not classify myself as being an alcoholic or anything, though there were times I did drink daily with friends. I started this at a young age with friends who came from similar households. We didn't talk too much about our parents, but we all just knew. This continued until my mid-20's when I decided enough was enough. I was getting to the point where I didn't want to spend my free time in a bar doing the same thing and socializing with the same people day in and day out.
I successfully dropped this habit and started confronting my issues head on. This was what prompted me to cut myself from contact with my family as things were just not changing on their end. I've talked more about this before (and like I've said before, I do not want to hear that I'm doing the wrong thing but if you have more questions, I am willing to answer them). I am possibly doing another piece for school that deals more with the abuse I have encountered over the years, expanding into the abusive relationships I had with men during this time.
I didn't really mean for this to get so personal... but I'm a believer in being honest and since this is a series of habits that I have overcome, I think it's important to get down. There are other things I want to work on; habits to change and develop that will be vital to me eventually working for myself. As much as I like to learn on my own through experience, sometimes it may be better to learn from someone else. Rachel posted today about a book she is working though that sounds interesting to me and that I will be picking up soon myself.
Master or a Jill-of-all-trades. I've mentioned many times how I love to learn and explore new things. This has been a life-long trait and one that I do not want to go away. However, I think I'm hitting the point in my life where my explorations need to be more focused on a few things.
(As a side note: I went through a similar, though smaller, experience when it comes to music. When I was a teen, I loved to listen to everything. I used to want a huge library of music and soaked it all up. Then, as time went on, I have noticed that my tastes have narrowed. This is what I'm sensing in other parts of my life.)
I have one thing as an example of something that I really don't need to learn. I hate cars. Everything about them, including driving. Unfortunately, where I live, it is almost a necessity to have one. Not impossible, mind you, but almost with the schedule I have. Our public transportation does not run around the clock and does not cover all areas. I work in city limits but the bus does not come anywhere near my workplace. Despite hating cars, I used to think it would be fun to learn how to restore an older car and then maintain it. But why? In my head this may sound fun, but I do know myself and it really wouldn't be what I think it is.
So in addition to everything else I have going on, I have been trying to take time to examine my interests and those things I think I want to pursue. Essentially, I try to do too much at times and then I want to take on even more? We all have a limited time on this planet and I am in the process of deciding how I want to spend that time.
Well I think I have rambled on enough for today. I am in great need of a walk before I go to work for the evening. Feel free to weigh in on these topics, if you wish, and if Becca posts today, I will be linking up with her for Thursday Think Tank.
Habits: both good and bad. I'm sure I'm not alone in thinking about changing habits. I have made progress over the years to shed some of them that I developed growing up. When you are raised by a parent with bi-polar disorder, despite not suffering the same ills, you do still alter behaviors to suit them. It sucks but all can be overcome with time and persistance. Not that I'm blaming all of my habits on my upbringing, mind you.
One way I used to "deal" with my childhood was by drinking, and at times, using various drugs to basically forget it all. I would not classify myself as being an alcoholic or anything, though there were times I did drink daily with friends. I started this at a young age with friends who came from similar households. We didn't talk too much about our parents, but we all just knew. This continued until my mid-20's when I decided enough was enough. I was getting to the point where I didn't want to spend my free time in a bar doing the same thing and socializing with the same people day in and day out.
I successfully dropped this habit and started confronting my issues head on. This was what prompted me to cut myself from contact with my family as things were just not changing on their end. I've talked more about this before (and like I've said before, I do not want to hear that I'm doing the wrong thing but if you have more questions, I am willing to answer them). I am possibly doing another piece for school that deals more with the abuse I have encountered over the years, expanding into the abusive relationships I had with men during this time.
I didn't really mean for this to get so personal... but I'm a believer in being honest and since this is a series of habits that I have overcome, I think it's important to get down. There are other things I want to work on; habits to change and develop that will be vital to me eventually working for myself. As much as I like to learn on my own through experience, sometimes it may be better to learn from someone else. Rachel posted today about a book she is working though that sounds interesting to me and that I will be picking up soon myself.
Master or a Jill-of-all-trades. I've mentioned many times how I love to learn and explore new things. This has been a life-long trait and one that I do not want to go away. However, I think I'm hitting the point in my life where my explorations need to be more focused on a few things.
(As a side note: I went through a similar, though smaller, experience when it comes to music. When I was a teen, I loved to listen to everything. I used to want a huge library of music and soaked it all up. Then, as time went on, I have noticed that my tastes have narrowed. This is what I'm sensing in other parts of my life.)
I have one thing as an example of something that I really don't need to learn. I hate cars. Everything about them, including driving. Unfortunately, where I live, it is almost a necessity to have one. Not impossible, mind you, but almost with the schedule I have. Our public transportation does not run around the clock and does not cover all areas. I work in city limits but the bus does not come anywhere near my workplace. Despite hating cars, I used to think it would be fun to learn how to restore an older car and then maintain it. But why? In my head this may sound fun, but I do know myself and it really wouldn't be what I think it is.
So in addition to everything else I have going on, I have been trying to take time to examine my interests and those things I think I want to pursue. Essentially, I try to do too much at times and then I want to take on even more? We all have a limited time on this planet and I am in the process of deciding how I want to spend that time.
Well I think I have rambled on enough for today. I am in great need of a walk before I go to work for the evening. Feel free to weigh in on these topics, if you wish, and if Becca posts today, I will be linking up with her for Thursday Think Tank.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
WIP Wednesday
I kind of feel like this week flew by me way too quickly. My Easter weekend was spent doped up on allergy medication and thus sleeping a lot, as well as some visiting with Chad's mom and brother when they came over to our house. I also was working on getting my sewing room organized and only have some things to hang on the walls before it feels done. It is far from magazine worthy because even if I made it that way, it just wouldn't stay. Photos will be coming soon.
I did receive my swap items from the Wild Olive Stitch Swap at the end of the week. It was so windy over the weekend I didn't photograph them to share until today.
I got this beautiful hoop from Leslee - just look at the teeny foot prints from the bird! She also made a small pouch and included various trims. I always get nervous in a swap that I will get something I don't care for, but so far, I have loved everything!
Now onto my update for the week. Linking up at Freshly Pieced as always.
Nothing as I spent time organizing instead.
Progress Made:
Sewing Machine Cover - I did manage to get a few more hexies sewn on. I'm still not sure how big the hexie portion is going to be and should decide that soon.
2012 Color Challenge: April - I received my fabrics yesterday and have it in mind to start cutting today.
No Progress:
Hand Pieced QAL
Typography Challenge
Garter Stitch Scarf
Project Quilting Challenge: It's Where I Live
Tangerine Tango Challenge
Sparkle QAL
1912 Project: February Pattern
Quilt Challenge of the Month: February (Cathedral Windows)
Quilt Challenge of the Month: March (Leaders and Enders)
Quilt Challenge of the Month: April (UFOs) - my goal is to finish my Sparkle mini.
(Late) Wedding Present
Nesting Place class
Dessert of the Month Club: January
Dessert of the Month Club: February
Dessert of the Month Club: March
Dessert of the Month Club: April
Drunkard's Path QAL
Zig Zag QAL
Kaleidoscope QAL
2012 Color Challenge: January
2012 Color Challenge: February
2012 Color Challenge: March
Curves Class projects
Made in Cherry QAL
Embroidery Journal Project: January
Embroidery Journal Project: February
Embroidery Journal Project: March
Embroidery Journal Project: April
Embroidered Ornaments
Project Quilting Challenge: Music
Project Quilting Challenge: Tools
Project Quilting Challenge: Barn Quilts
Pretty Little Pouch Swap
Nothing! At least not school related as I will be using my sewing machine/hand embroidering some pieces for final projects.
I have a month left of this semester and will be working on projects for each of my studio classes. I will go more in depth this weekend with my weekly update. Because of this, I may be scarce around here. I'm still catching up on your blogs and need to tackle my email soon too.
Hope your Wednesday is treating you well!
I did receive my swap items from the Wild Olive Stitch Swap at the end of the week. It was so windy over the weekend I didn't photograph them to share until today.
I got this beautiful hoop from Leslee - just look at the teeny foot prints from the bird! She also made a small pouch and included various trims. I always get nervous in a swap that I will get something I don't care for, but so far, I have loved everything!
Now onto my update for the week. Linking up at Freshly Pieced as always.
Nothing as I spent time organizing instead.
Progress Made:
Sewing Machine Cover - I did manage to get a few more hexies sewn on. I'm still not sure how big the hexie portion is going to be and should decide that soon.
2012 Color Challenge: April - I received my fabrics yesterday and have it in mind to start cutting today.
No Progress:
Hand Pieced QAL
Typography Challenge
Garter Stitch Scarf
Project Quilting Challenge: It's Where I Live
Tangerine Tango Challenge
Sparkle QAL
1912 Project: February Pattern
Quilt Challenge of the Month: February (Cathedral Windows)
Quilt Challenge of the Month: March (Leaders and Enders)
Quilt Challenge of the Month: April (UFOs) - my goal is to finish my Sparkle mini.
(Late) Wedding Present
Nesting Place class
Dessert of the Month Club: January
Dessert of the Month Club: February
Dessert of the Month Club: March
Dessert of the Month Club: April
Drunkard's Path QAL
Zig Zag QAL
Kaleidoscope QAL
2012 Color Challenge: January
2012 Color Challenge: February
2012 Color Challenge: March
Curves Class projects
Made in Cherry QAL
Embroidery Journal Project: January
Embroidery Journal Project: February
Embroidery Journal Project: March
Embroidery Journal Project: April
Embroidered Ornaments
Project Quilting Challenge: Music
Project Quilting Challenge: Tools
Project Quilting Challenge: Barn Quilts
Pretty Little Pouch Swap
Nothing! At least not school related as I will be using my sewing machine/hand embroidering some pieces for final projects.
I have a month left of this semester and will be working on projects for each of my studio classes. I will go more in depth this weekend with my weekly update. Because of this, I may be scarce around here. I'm still catching up on your blogs and need to tackle my email soon too.
Hope your Wednesday is treating you well!
Saturday, April 7, 2012
FAL Quarter 2 Goals
It's time to publically proclaim my goals for this quarter and link up to Rhonda at Quilter in the Gap. Remember, if you missed linking up the first quarter, you can join in on this one!
I'm hoping for more finishes from this list in this quarter. Since I only finished one of the five I had on my list, those four are going on this quarter's list. I'd like to say it will be possible as my classes are wrapping up, but last year, once spring semester let out, I started working full time over the summer. That was due to extra help being needed thanks to the flooding in western North Dakota, which will not be happening this year, but we are busier than last year already, so who knows.
Enough shop talk, as my part time job isn't really that exciting. What is, is my WIPs. I was going to take current photos of these today, but the wind has been insane, so older photos will have to do. Honestly, some of these projects still look the same today as they did the last time you saw them.
1. Garter stitch scarf - this will definately be a challenge to finish. Knitting for winter when summer is approaching is not appealing to me at all. However, I started this scarf in the fall of 2010 as my first big knitting project. I have since then completed other knitted items and neglected this one. I have no excuse especially since I love the turquoise yarn (even though it is acrylic yarn, not wool). Fiber content is probably why this is still unfinished. I initially bought inexpensive yarns to learn with, as well as the cheap aluminum needles. I now like to use natural fibers and have a love for bamboo needles. Anyway, finish it I will.
2. Sewing machine cover - now that I have our spare room all to myself for a sewing space, I really want to finish this up. I've been making steady progress since switching over to paper templates. Now I just need to think more about design, as I will be embroidering some linen to sew together with the linen. I have pulled it out a few times to contemplate it, which is stalling progress.
3. Late (very late) wedding gift - my ultimate goal is to finish these by their first anniversay in September. There will be four towels with a different design on each. I am still working on the first towel.
4. Drunkard's Path quilt - I haven't touched this one in weeks. I think I still have some trimming to do on the small blocks before they can be sewn into the larger block.
Those were all on my list for the first quarter. I initially thought (ha!) that I would finish the DP quilt so I could then tackle another larger quilt I have started from a QAL (there are three). I went back and forth about if I should put a second one on this list, and finally thought I don't need to add pressure to myself. Not that there is pressure here.
5. Sparkle mini quilt - I finally decided on this one to be added to this list. I hate that it hasn't been finished and really, all because I made an error and have yet to take my seam ripper to the last block. Sad, but true.
Another project to complete soon is to finish putting together my sewing room. Chad put up shelves for me today, so now I can fill them up with fabrics and other goodies. Once I have it organized, I will share my small space with you. I love to see where other people work and imagine I'm not the only one.
So, I will be spending part of Easter organizing as well as spending some time with Chad's family. I hope your weekend has been treating you well!
I'm hoping for more finishes from this list in this quarter. Since I only finished one of the five I had on my list, those four are going on this quarter's list. I'd like to say it will be possible as my classes are wrapping up, but last year, once spring semester let out, I started working full time over the summer. That was due to extra help being needed thanks to the flooding in western North Dakota, which will not be happening this year, but we are busier than last year already, so who knows.
Enough shop talk, as my part time job isn't really that exciting. What is, is my WIPs. I was going to take current photos of these today, but the wind has been insane, so older photos will have to do. Honestly, some of these projects still look the same today as they did the last time you saw them.
1. Garter stitch scarf - this will definately be a challenge to finish. Knitting for winter when summer is approaching is not appealing to me at all. However, I started this scarf in the fall of 2010 as my first big knitting project. I have since then completed other knitted items and neglected this one. I have no excuse especially since I love the turquoise yarn (even though it is acrylic yarn, not wool). Fiber content is probably why this is still unfinished. I initially bought inexpensive yarns to learn with, as well as the cheap aluminum needles. I now like to use natural fibers and have a love for bamboo needles. Anyway, finish it I will.
2. Sewing machine cover - now that I have our spare room all to myself for a sewing space, I really want to finish this up. I've been making steady progress since switching over to paper templates. Now I just need to think more about design, as I will be embroidering some linen to sew together with the linen. I have pulled it out a few times to contemplate it, which is stalling progress.
3. Late (very late) wedding gift - my ultimate goal is to finish these by their first anniversay in September. There will be four towels with a different design on each. I am still working on the first towel.
4. Drunkard's Path quilt - I haven't touched this one in weeks. I think I still have some trimming to do on the small blocks before they can be sewn into the larger block.
Those were all on my list for the first quarter. I initially thought (ha!) that I would finish the DP quilt so I could then tackle another larger quilt I have started from a QAL (there are three). I went back and forth about if I should put a second one on this list, and finally thought I don't need to add pressure to myself. Not that there is pressure here.
5. Sparkle mini quilt - I finally decided on this one to be added to this list. I hate that it hasn't been finished and really, all because I made an error and have yet to take my seam ripper to the last block. Sad, but true.
Another project to complete soon is to finish putting together my sewing room. Chad put up shelves for me today, so now I can fill them up with fabrics and other goodies. Once I have it organized, I will share my small space with you. I love to see where other people work and imagine I'm not the only one.
So, I will be spending part of Easter organizing as well as spending some time with Chad's family. I hope your weekend has been treating you well!
Studio Saturday
This past week was hard on me as there were either projects due or to be worked on in each of my studio classes. Long work hours didn't help either, but now I have the weekend to relax a little.
In my painting class, we have been working on a large painting (at least 30"x40") that deals with a current issue. This issue can be something personal or global. Mine is the recent lottery craze in the United States. I don't have any images of it right now and won't be working on it until tomorrow so it can dry a little bit.
In photography, our portraits were due. I did a self portrait that included each of my dogs.
The images were taken with my inexpensive point and shoot digital, then changed to sepia and resized before being printed on cotton fabric. The fabric is a cream tone-on-tone from Joann's. I fused the images to duck cloth and then stitched around the edges to clean them up and prevent fraying. Eyelets were added to link the two together and the wood hanger was created with help by Chad. Chain is shown in the photograph, but I did switch it to a waxed thread that is brown in color. This piece is in the hands of my instructor, so I didn't get to take a photo of the finished piece. It did go over well in critique which made me happy. There are little things I would change but overall, it shows my relationship with my dogs very well.
Our final (!) assignment is to create five different pieces that show where we are in life and who we are right now. She is giving us over the weekend to set up a timeline for working on them and also to come up with ideas for them. I'm not really sure what I'm going to do at this time.
I finally have something to show you from my sculpture class. I went back and forth on this piece and put it together only a few days before critique. Our sculpture had to do with sculpting the nothing. This was left up to our interpretation, though we were also given an except from a philosopher to read on the idea of nothing. This is where my spark came from for my approach, but I did struggle with how to visually show my ideas.
The nothing in this case is us as humans after giving our lives over to technology. Inceasingly in our world, computers are becoming everything. I am not against computers (obviously, or I would not be writing this), but feel they need to be used as a tool and not everything. I find it odd when someone does not know an obvious bit of information and instead has to look it up online. Or someone cannot do math... or spell a word without the internet... or find their way around a city without GPS, especially in my area where most streets are numbered and very few have names. Without my knowledge my brain becomes nothing, thus my life becomes nothing.
I initially was going to make a sculpture of a person literally hooked up to a computer through a USB port. The literal is where I was going wrong though. I was only ok with it and not in love with this visual. Finally, it came to mind to create a human figure and hang them from an electrical cord. I am sparing this final piece with you though and am only showing you the doll I created.
Here she is before painting and assembly. Sorry for the horrible photograph. She is made with a paper mache base and then covered in paper clay, which air dries.
And here she is painted. I am not totally in love with how she came out, but surprisingly, I liked scuplting her. I have been thinking of trying my hand at doll making but was a little apprehensive about it because I have never done it before. This project pushed me to do it though and I am glad for it.
It's her legs that I do not care for. I was working with a limited amount of the paper clay, so they just turned out a little odd to me. I was also trying to paint her so she appeared dead, or at least near dead, so her face isn't how I would make another doll.
Our last project for this class is based on the idea of a dwelling. We are to use wood (the first cuts with the bark-I don't remember what they are called right now) and another material. I have a couple ideas right now, but want to put them down on paper before I think further about them.
That's all for now for school. We have about a month left of this semester, which seems like a lot of time and no time all at once. I will be taking a drawing class this summer, so this series will run until June before I decide if I will continue it through the summer. My fall semester does not include any art classes, just a sewing class and some lectures that relate to my minor in textiles. After that, next spring is my last semester and I will be working on my baccalaureate show that is required before I graduate. I already know it will involve art quilting, so this studio series may be used to document my progress over this upcoming summer (I want to be prepared before proposing my work for the exhibit). Well, I'm just thinking out loud now.
Be back later today with my Finish-a-Long plans for quarter 2!
In my painting class, we have been working on a large painting (at least 30"x40") that deals with a current issue. This issue can be something personal or global. Mine is the recent lottery craze in the United States. I don't have any images of it right now and won't be working on it until tomorrow so it can dry a little bit.
In photography, our portraits were due. I did a self portrait that included each of my dogs.
The images were taken with my inexpensive point and shoot digital, then changed to sepia and resized before being printed on cotton fabric. The fabric is a cream tone-on-tone from Joann's. I fused the images to duck cloth and then stitched around the edges to clean them up and prevent fraying. Eyelets were added to link the two together and the wood hanger was created with help by Chad. Chain is shown in the photograph, but I did switch it to a waxed thread that is brown in color. This piece is in the hands of my instructor, so I didn't get to take a photo of the finished piece. It did go over well in critique which made me happy. There are little things I would change but overall, it shows my relationship with my dogs very well.
Our final (!) assignment is to create five different pieces that show where we are in life and who we are right now. She is giving us over the weekend to set up a timeline for working on them and also to come up with ideas for them. I'm not really sure what I'm going to do at this time.
I finally have something to show you from my sculpture class. I went back and forth on this piece and put it together only a few days before critique. Our sculpture had to do with sculpting the nothing. This was left up to our interpretation, though we were also given an except from a philosopher to read on the idea of nothing. This is where my spark came from for my approach, but I did struggle with how to visually show my ideas.
The nothing in this case is us as humans after giving our lives over to technology. Inceasingly in our world, computers are becoming everything. I am not against computers (obviously, or I would not be writing this), but feel they need to be used as a tool and not everything. I find it odd when someone does not know an obvious bit of information and instead has to look it up online. Or someone cannot do math... or spell a word without the internet... or find their way around a city without GPS, especially in my area where most streets are numbered and very few have names. Without my knowledge my brain becomes nothing, thus my life becomes nothing.
I initially was going to make a sculpture of a person literally hooked up to a computer through a USB port. The literal is where I was going wrong though. I was only ok with it and not in love with this visual. Finally, it came to mind to create a human figure and hang them from an electrical cord. I am sparing this final piece with you though and am only showing you the doll I created.
Here she is before painting and assembly. Sorry for the horrible photograph. She is made with a paper mache base and then covered in paper clay, which air dries.
And here she is painted. I am not totally in love with how she came out, but surprisingly, I liked scuplting her. I have been thinking of trying my hand at doll making but was a little apprehensive about it because I have never done it before. This project pushed me to do it though and I am glad for it.
It's her legs that I do not care for. I was working with a limited amount of the paper clay, so they just turned out a little odd to me. I was also trying to paint her so she appeared dead, or at least near dead, so her face isn't how I would make another doll.
Our last project for this class is based on the idea of a dwelling. We are to use wood (the first cuts with the bark-I don't remember what they are called right now) and another material. I have a couple ideas right now, but want to put them down on paper before I think further about them.
That's all for now for school. We have about a month left of this semester, which seems like a lot of time and no time all at once. I will be taking a drawing class this summer, so this series will run until June before I decide if I will continue it through the summer. My fall semester does not include any art classes, just a sewing class and some lectures that relate to my minor in textiles. After that, next spring is my last semester and I will be working on my baccalaureate show that is required before I graduate. I already know it will involve art quilting, so this studio series may be used to document my progress over this upcoming summer (I want to be prepared before proposing my work for the exhibit). Well, I'm just thinking out loud now.
Be back later today with my Finish-a-Long plans for quarter 2!
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