Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

First of all, I am thankful for being blessed with waking up each morning. This may seem small, but I suffer from fairly severe asthma and wake up unable to breathe from time to time.

I am thankful for Chad coming into my life at the right time. Despite living next to a now former friend, we didn't meet until after I had been out of a relationship for awhile and taken care of some baggage in my life. I can't imagine my life without him and am happy that I can call him a best friend, as well as boyfriend.

(Excuse the horrible wind-blown hair. Eek!)

I am thankful for Jameson and Angus who sometimes annoy me when they bark too much, but really bring a smile to my face daily. I also cannot imagine my life without them and do not mind that I cannot travel as much as I used to because I have to be home with them. They were really a factor in turning my life around as well.

Maplewood State Park

I am thankful that I live in a time and place where I can pursue my dreams.

And lastly, I am thankful for the connections I have been making through the online community. I look forward to getting to know more of you and sharing a creative link around the world.

Thank you for stopping by and if you are in the United States, have a great holiday!

1 comment:

Toni said...

You two make a very cute couple! I'm very thankful I've met such friendly creative people like you and I hope you and Chad had a great time in ND!