Thursday, December 27, 2012

FO Mini Parade

I have a growing stack of finished objects to share. To consolidate them, I'm probably going to share them in groups, unless I have a lot to say about them.

The first one today is kind of a BIG DEAL. I started this quilt top in the summer of 2011, with the quilt-a-long that was going on at the time. I had some cutting and piecing issues that made my blocks not uniform, which caused problems putting the blocks into rows. One error stalled me in my tracks, when really all I had to do was take out the seam ripper and stitch it again. No biggie, right?

Kaleidoscope Top Finished!

Well, the way this was handled really speaks to my personality. You see, I like to finish what I start in one sitting. I've been that way ever since I can remember. Cleaning and organizing? I must finish it all. Homework, especially papers, no matter the length? All at once, from research to final copy. It can be a problem but at least I am starting to recognize it and try to change. Part of it is setting small stepping stones to get to the finished object. In this case, my goal was to finish the quilt top by the end of the year. The blocks were all done, so it really wasn't much to do.

I didn't mean to ramble here. I'm just so proud to have this done! And I love the way it pulled together so much that I can't wait to finish it in 2013. It will be hand quilted, which will take time. At least I already have the quilting threads. The only thing I'm not sure on is the binding. I don't remember what my plan on that was but I have ideas. Oh! The fabrics here are from Lizzy House's 1001 Peeps with some Kona solids mixed in.

Pei Cowl

I have two knit projects to share as well. The first is the Pei cowl. I knit it with 100% alpaca that is raised in Minnesota. I loved to feel how it turned from a rope-like strand into a very soft finished item. I do have to say I didn't pick the best pattern for this yarn and the yarn doesn't do the pattern justice. The bobbles are completely lost in the halo as is the lace design. I do like it though and will wear it. I also will knit this pattern again.

Pei Cowl

The day I was taking the photos for this and the next one, Angus kept following me around, lurking just behind me. It made me laugh and this one happened to be the best photo of me wearing this cowl.


The other piece I have to share is the Sharktooth shawl. I initially was going to knit the larger size but changed my mind after starting. I'm glad I did because I have found I love wearing knits like this. The two extra skeins I have already are tagged for a project, which I hope to get to early next year.

I think that's enough for today. More to come soon!


Allison said...

congrats on some great finishes! I love the color scheme in your quilt top! you always knit the most beautiful things, every time you post them I'm tempted to pick up a pair of knitting needles {i've tried many times, and just had to conclude knitting isn't my thing} :)

Foolish Feathers said...

What an excellent finish! I do hope you'll link it up to TGIFF (A finish linky party) so even more can see! I love the colors you chose on the Quilt, very nicely done!

Pam @Threading My Way said...

I LOVE the quilt top, Katie, both the colour combination and the design!!! Well done on finishing. My patterns have arrived. Thank you SO much!!!

Jessica @ A Humble Creation said...

Hi Katie,
Good job on your projects! I love that quilt top. I found you through Pam @ Threading My Way and I'm now following you on GFC. I had to learn to give up finishing projects all at once too once I had 3 kids. Now I quilt in spurts! Thanks for sharing with us!